Monday, March 21, 2005

Working on a new one.

I have a new horror story idea that I've just started working on today.
My desire is to keep it as short as possible, while still conveying the storyline in its entirety, as I find that I am more of a sprinter when it comes to writing. Frankly, I start to lose momentum when a story takes longer than three pages to develop. I just get in a hurry to get to the "punchline," as it were, and the quality of the writing suffers from my desire to rush through it to the ending.

Consequently, my "Serial Novel" is on hiatus, while I scratch this new itch.


Blogger TeamDandy said...

I'm just saying "Hi" - no real comment to your post other than there are still people reading your blog the few times you've written in the last decade. Did I say decade? I meant half a year :-)

March 21, 2005  
Blogger HeadCheese said...

Heh... thanks, Dianne. I'm guessing you didn't read the post on the rather divisive issue of "lane splitting." It turns out that I have a lot more readers than I thought.

I read your blog almost daily, and enjoy keeping up with your family.

March 23, 2005  

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